Reason, Why Gold Jewellery Is Getting More Popular
Reason, Why Gold Jewellery Is Getting More Popular
In India, gold jewelry has long been used to celebrate
marriage and childbirth or presented as gifts during religious festivals.
Ornate bridal pieces still are popular in the northern part of the country,
while pieces in 22-carat yellow gold are favored in the south.
But change is in the air, partly as a result of shifting
societal norms and the expansion of women’s roles in the workplace as well as
the rising price of gold here and recent changes in the consumer tax on
Jewelry created from unusual materials and in contemporary
designs or sometimes inspired by traditional ethnic jewelry is becoming
increasingly popular and Jewels Box(Gold. Diamonds . Silver), a Lucknow based Jewellery brand is leading the
way among others.
“A few decades ago, the primary jewelry buyer used to be the
man, whether father or husband “Whereas now, especially in the non-gold market,
it’s mostly women buying jewelry for themselves, without waiting for an occasion,
purely for their own joy and satisfaction.”
Many women are no longer stuck in a what Indians call a
Saas-Bahu relationship, in which a mother-in-law controls a daughter-in-law’s
spending, a staple story line of many Indian soap operas. “More women are earning
their own money, and spending it on themselves and Self-gratification no longer
carries the guilt it did even just a generation ago.
Since 2003, we found
that the customers are very excited and enthusiastic about finding jewelry that
looked so different than what they were used to. Today our creations at Jewels Box (Gold. Diamonds. Silver) blend
smoothly with social activism, art, design and fashion.
The contemporary non-fine jewelry landscape has undergone a
tremendous metamorphosis over the years. “since the last past decade Gold
Jewellery has been divided into two categories only: fine and costume. There
was no middle route for those interested in purchasing a product purely for the
love of design.”
Traditionally, the Indian wedding has been the primary
reason for gold jewelry purchases, with everyone from the bride to guests
wearing as much as they own or borrow. Now jewellers are creating collections
suitable for bridal wear. The modern Indian urban bride wants to have fun and
her choices in jewelry reflects that. They are choosing fun experimental
contemporary jewelry over heavily ornamented bling.
“They want jewelry that doesn’t sit in their lockers
post-marriage, but costume jewelry that they can wear more often.”
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